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Reflecting On Ways To Live Better

This blog was written by Taiwo, a young parent. It was first published on the Partnership for Young London website.

During these strange times, I’ve found myself constantly reflecting on ways to live better. I am grateful I have a roof over my head. I am also glad to have some good family and friends around me. In other words, I’m just fine. Some days are better than others. Though, I am adapting to various ways of coping. For instance, taking long walks or virtually connecting with others etc.

As time goes by I constantly reassure myself I’m going to be okay no matter what the current situation looks like. Without a connection or having my strong network, I don’t know how I would get through this. I check in with neighbours, a childhood friend, family abroad and my advocate. The list goes on. Fortunately enough for me, I also have a counsellor who I can speak to weekly over the phone. I believe these outlets are successful ways to prevent isolation. I actively remain aware of things that I need to work on but sometimes it takes me a while to find the motivation.

The mood of the weather helps, having lovely sunshine these last few weeks have given me purpose to not stay in a dark room. I draw the curtains daily to allow some natural light inside. It’s essential we take the positives away from this pandemic. I’m well fed and I’m glad there’s always a plate on the table for me. I’m hungry for a professional routine though. Reflection is stagnant. I say this because I remain in a whirlwind of dissatisfaction. Dissatisfaction with my lack of routine. No matter the situation I want to learn the willpower to strive for purpose. Whether that’s having baths early in the morning, enjoying breakfast or sitting at a quiet place indoors getting bigger and better. Spending time with my young daughter has made me see so much value in having a family. I miss her now that’s she’s gone back to her mum. It’s really helpful that we have plenty of resources to keep us entertained and busy. I believe everyone is doing their little bit to helps others. It brings the World closer. I appreciate all the organisations that have considered their customers/audiences needs and have found ways to cater to them.

The most worrying issue for me so far is when is all of this going to end? I think that is the same with a lot of people. It’s something we cannot control. What we can control is the now and not allowing the frustration to dispart us from our goals. A friendly reminder, this will be over soon. When it is over be ready to adapt to change. I worry about employment, can I get into a job as soon as this over? How difficult will it be? I worry about crime rates rising. I worry about the economic and political integration. Worry less and trust God. He will make a way.

My mental health during lockdown could be a lot worse. I believe the lockdown has taught me new ways to look after my mental health. One of the ways I’ve supported my mental being during this period is through reading. I have chosen to use this time to explore new books and articles. You can learn so much from the way an author expresses them self. Choose what you read wisely. Is that going to be a fiction or non-fiction ? An auto-biography ? An informative article on new research. Why not choose to read a short book ? I believe there are so many ways to widen your knowledge and keep yourself occupied. I’ve decided to spend at least half an hour everyday reading a book by Kevin George called ‘Soccology’. It’s all about the hearts and minds of successful professionals. I feel this is a good time to encapsulate the experience of athletes in the sporting industry because that is where I aspire to make change. An alternative for reading would be writing. If we take it back to the basics it’s the little things in life that can make a huge difference. When I write I have a different view in my journey.

Things are not always as bad as they seem. I remember how fortunate I am that I can just grab a pen and pad and just start getting all my thoughts down. This is a healthy way to remember who you are, what you have achieved and what you can do in life. The sky is the limit and beyond. I have taken time out to support the vulnerable in my community to drop off emergency food banks to them. Their appreciation puts a smile on my face. I’ve always wanted more in life. Help others so they can help you. I believe this is a time where we can truly find ourselves and even if we don’t then at least there’s peace. #InThisTogether #CovidInnovation

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